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How do I Submit a Homework Assignment Online?

Submitting an Online Homework Assignment

The first step is to navigate to the homework assignment you wish to create a submission for.

You can do this in several ways.

The simplest way is accessing the current assignments directly from your dashboard.

You may also access current assignments (and past assignments) from the course page.

Submitting homework

Homework must be submitted as a single ZIP file with a maximum file size of 4 GB

Attempts to upload file types other than ZIP files will fail to complete the upload and submission process. Successful uploads will be indicated with an "Uploaded" indicator. You may need to refresh the page to see the file that was submitted.

Do not refresh or leave the page during the upload process. The time it takes a file to upload is dependent on the file size and your internet upload speeds. 

What is a ZIP file?

ZIP is an archival format used to compress (make smaller) a file or set of files to make it more compact and quicker to transfer. Compression is “lossless” meaning it temporarily removes redundancies in the bits of data which can then be recreated when un-zipped or decompressed.

How do I make a ZIP file?

There are numerous ways to ZIP files and folders. Most operating systems have built-in compression and archival utilities that allow you to quickly zip files and folders, so no additional software or utilities are required.

On a Mac, it is as easy as Right clicking (or Control + Tapping) on the file or folder and choose “Compress [File Name] on the pop-up menu. You may also select multiple files or folders and perform the same action which will create a single ZIP archive of everything selected.

On Windows, the process is just as simple.

Select the file(s) or folder(s) you want to zip compress.

Next, Right click on the selected files and choose Send to > Compressed (Zipped) Folder.

Both methods create a new .zip file in the same location as the files you selected.

Be sure to rename the new .zip file, ensuring it includes your name and the week# for the assignment to ensure the instructor knows who’s assignment is who’s when they download the assignments for critique and/or grading.

Uploading the homework

Once you have your .zip file created, you will want to navigate to the homework page on the online system you wish to submit. Once there, simply click the “select file” button and navigate to your newly created .zip file. Select the .zip file and choose Open. This will begin the upload process.

Once the file is uploaded and validated on the server you will see an "Uploaded" status indicating a successful submission. Upload times will be determined by the size of the file you are uploading, and your internet upload speeds. Do not refresh or close the page until the upload completes. Note: if the upload appears to reach 100% but does not give you an “upload complete” status, there may be something wrong with your file. Check the file size to ensure it is under the 4 GB size limit and ensure you followed the correct steps to create your zip file.

Resubmitting an assignment

There are times you may realize that you uploaded the wrong file(s) or wish to update content in your homework submission. Simply follow the steps for uploading the homework assignment again. Any new zip files uploaded will replace the current assignment submission. 

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